Welcome to the Webster's Pages blog hop! The design team is each
featuring either the "Once Upon A Halloween" collection or the "Park
Drive" collection. I am sharing with you a layout featuring Once Upon a Haloween....Playing with the beautiful papers and charms...
my LO : "
Haloween Party. Me"
And as I have always been asked to share, I am happy to let you know that my inspiration to scrap comes from my family especially my kids and also from the special relationships I had the opportunity to have with some very close friends. Friends that come into my life like fairy dust and sparkles...My friends, they make my life beautiful. .....My hubby and kids, they make my life blessed and complete. I thank God for them everyday.
With them in my heart all the time, I always like to present handmade gifts filled with tlc and lots of love, with beautiful photos captured being included in the gifts.....The smiles from my kids, sisters and friends, they always make me grin like a cheshire cat ;)
And as for this layout,the photo on the layout is my favourite , one that is with a sassy mask. Not something I will do everyday lol... I want to keep this photo special, and let the page tells the story. I hope you like it as much as I enjoy creating this page. Thank you skyler for the lil spider you loaned me ;)
And I can't stop talking about the beautiful products from Webster's Pages, SWOOOON! you can see them on this page of mine, *squelling !!!* my heart melts looking at those pretty pretty charms.... teehee ;)
Now, onto prizes! Woot woot!!
There will be "mystery prizes" hidden on 7 of the DT blogs.,,,,, So make sure you leave comments on all the DT's blog so which means, the more comments, the more
chances to win!!
Just remember, leave a comment @ the DT girl's blogs, leave some love on mine to teehee :) And the winner will be announced in Webster's Pages blog.
· Webster's Pages Blog http://websterspages.typepad.com/webstershome/
· COURTNEY http://www.courtneywalsh.typepad.com/
· ANABELLE http://anabelleom.blogspot.com/
· KAY http://rogerskk.typepad.com/how_did_i_end_up_here/
· GABI http://gabriellepollacco.blogspot.com/
· JAMIE H. http://ahappyscrappyplace.blogspot.com/
· JILL http://www.jillcornell.blogspot.com/
· JAZ http://www.jazmescrapping.blogspot.com/ - YOU ARE HERE!!!
· JULIE http://seejuliescrap.blogspot.com/
· TOMOKO http://crop-addict.blogspot.com/
· DIANA http://dianabrodeur.blogspot.com/
· EMMA http://scrapsofmymind.blogspot.com/
· LARISSA http://www.lariscrap.typepad.com/
· STACEY http://staceymichaud.blogspot.com/
· GERRY http://gerryscrafts.blogspot.com/
· ERIN http://erinblegen.blogspot.com/
· EMELINE http://www.scrapvilla.blogspot.com/
· IRIS http://irisbabaouy.typepad.com/creativecorner/
And your next stop will be
Julie's !
Have Fun and GOOD LUCK everyone!!