Yes this is me running lol. i have always wanted to take a pic like that,running on a long queit road.i don't know why lol. simon and i & sky were driving somewhere along Upper Seletar Road one fine day.and then I just said "STOP here, i want to take a photo". "goodness me" said simon. lol. and we did. a police petrol car happened to drive by i remembered, the policemen looked at us and then skyler said " PEE-POO Man"...yea, dax what he called them when he was younger. because the siren goes "pee-poo pee-poo".
anyway, itz a LO to remind myself about going into 2010, itz gonna be full of Butterfly Dreams. Yes, they are out there. somewhere.

LO "simple life pleasures" . . the photos i compiled here are full of happy images and of simple life pleasures that i would like to happen to me everyday.
Papermarket - Denim Album Class for FEBRUARY
and YES, this is for the Denim Album Class @
Papermarket. Using lots of pretty things and lotsa layerings to do up the cover and pages. As you can see, itz bursting with happy colours ;) I have put in so much love in creating this album and I hope you will like it. If you are interested to attend this class, please call
Papermarket ;) and I thank you in advance ;)
My apology that I have been quite queit on the scrapping scene. I know many of you faithful 'silent readers' asked me about that in class ;) Yes, I want to give my best in the class projects I will be doing for
PaperMarket and
Laines Papeterie because you gals rock the class ;)
And not into any new design teams for 2010 so that I can focus on the existing teams that Im part of now, like er-herm..my very all time favourite
Webster's Pages. Thank you Brandin and Terri for having me again for the new year ;)
And oooh, i spy new 'fans' . Endless thanxx for being a follower of my blog ;)