I received this award from a Princess. Her name is Maya ;) Thanks Maya. ;)The rules that go with this lovely awards are to:1) Thank the person who gave it to you.2) List 10 honest things about yourself.3) Pass the award on to 7 people.10 honest things about me.. So here they are~~:
1. In this life, i am blessed. to have simon as my hubby. for he completes me.
2. My head spin when i take care of my kidz!! but i totally adore and love them to depth!
3. I like friends. i have been blessed with many good ones!!
4. i hate hypocriates.they all should just "whooosh" and go away.
5. i have to go shopping weekly.to keep myself sane.
6. scrapbooking ha s become part of my life now.
7. i love my pa.i wish i can have him back.
8. i like to walk.it's part of my daily life.to keep myself fit.
9. i miss my hubby whenever he goes overseas.i will hide from my kids,and cry at one corner.hehe.
10. at times i worry too much.abt my kids,myself etc etc.but wif God's strenght, i will go by my days just fine.Let go and let God.
I hope you know me better now,and if you would like to play along,do link me up and share wif me your honesty will ya?
1 comment:
HEY JAZ!!!!!! You guys are just TOOOOOOOOOOO CUTE!!!!!!
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