"all the lil moments"
{this is one of my favourite photo of faith, a photo
i took of her on of the weekends.faith,my daughter. a very sensible girl.
sweet and loving.
my best friend too.}

"nanami...you are loved"
I was of course honoured and excited,
when Tomoko asked if she could request, for me
to do up a digi page for her.
i mean, she is the talented lady behind
this beautiful blog of mine.
Her digi work is as inspiring as her trad pages!!
most of all, she is such a very sweet and good friend,
who has lifted me up, countless times.
i Thank God for this beautiful friendship.
so here's a gift for nanami ;)

How is everyone doing?
I know i have been sharing very lil on my blog,
I have been so busy
as a mommy of 3,
juggling everything all by myself...
But i do know, that,
there's rainbow after the rain.
But honestly,
i do missssss sharing long post my blog lol
and although itz queit,
I appreciate it that there are new followers,
and I know that,
many of you,
do come by queitly lol
so thank you for visiting....
Thank you for being so sweet!