at the entrance of Osaka Castle. Lil sky insisted that we take some photos.and am so glad we did. luv this to bits!
thak you dearest hubby for this wonderdul trip!love ya love ya love ya!
my favourite!!
We have hundreds of photos taken!!! and simply sharing few of these that are my favourite from the first batch! GOSH!! tons more in the camera lol more photos up at my FACEBOOK here ;)

This trip has been a wonderful one and I thank God for the smooth and enjoyable journey. o wait, enjoyable? oh no! that's an understatement!!! lol
I had a few of you asking baout my trips.herez roughly what our iteneries were like;
Tokyo - MT FUJI - Osaka - Tokyo
Our family had a whirl of a time.with the just right company. with just the most perfect stuffs. teehee ;)