Laine's Papeterie Jaz March Class. Altered Clipboard "Faith Hope Love".
Im running a bit late here but i do appreciate all that are waiting so anxiously for this project. This will be sent to the store tomorrow. I thank you in advance for your support and all. To register,do call or visit Laines Papeterie ;) Endless thanks.....
Altered clipboard with lil compartments to store your love messages teehee. lots of layering and playing with vintage pink and brown. lots of oh-so-pretty flowers ansd must have butterflies ;)
Doily Flowers WP-TA

do check out the tutorial on how to make your own doily flowers here.
Bad Girls P52- ART MONEY
Exciting Project we have once again. Do join us at Bad Girls P52. C u there ;)
Bad Girls P52- ART MONEY
Exciting Project we have once again. Do join us at Bad Girls P52. C u there ;)