Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Papermarket {RC} & {PS} : Jaz's June 2012 Class

Altered Birdcage "Free Spirit"...
{June 17 Sunday - Jaz's teaching date}
Class Schedule here@ PAPERMARKET

Layout "my papa my love"
DS-Jaz it up
{Jaz's teaching date 24 June 2012}
Class Schedule here @ PAPERMARKET

Heloooo to all my friends,
I hope all of you are doing great. Here's sharing Papermarket : Jaz's Classes for June. Looking forward to see all of you and from the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU everyone!!!

Have a Blessed Week !


1 comment:

Bellaidea said...

This is cute Jaz! I came for Hop, will be back soon:)