"friends are angels..."
Am so excited to share with you my October Class project for Laine's Papeterie. We will be doing up 4of the inside pages, so that the frame stands at "V" ...okie, if my description is not clear LOL, the sample is already at the store. Do drop by and take a look okie. I thank many of you that already registered for the class. am so honoured and i want to say xiexie..thank you.
and.....................did you see the white birdcage?are you drooling?teehee
thank you friend C, for everything ;)
today i had another fun class. i feel like i actually met you gals for a friendly crop. because you all made me feel so comfortable, in many ways. i remember , when i had my first class, a year ago, i had to take poh-chye pills. {LOL}. cox i had butterflies fluttering in my stomach the whole time. on my 2nd class, a student asked me if i was already feeling better, i had to think twice because i thought the butterflies in my tummy were fluttering worst than before.
Today, i am glad that Ive caught the butterflies and they are landing nicely on the projects that i am sharing in class. and i like that ;)
and so its true that they say "......You can chase a butterfly all over the field and never catch it. But if you sit quietly in the grass it will come and sit on your shoulder"
I will be bz packing and shifting house soon. i duno where to start.....
i hope to see you in my next month's class and will miss you gals for now....
thank you for coming by to say hello and thank you ms shell for being my latest follower ;)
love loads,jaz
wow,again such a beautiful creation!!!Jaz your talent is so HUGE.......love it!!
Have a veru nice day!
Hi Jaz--YES I'M DROLLING! This is another master piece. Hugs- Shawn
beautiful beautiful creations! i so wish i could take one of your classes, jaz! glad your classes run smoothly now and you don't have to take poh-chye pills anymore (btw, i take those for the tummy, hee hee). hope you have a wonderful day! {thanks for the lovely comment you left on my blog, you're so sweet.} *hugs* steph :)
Glad you caught those butterflies! The album looks really good and I'm going down today to take a look at it! Am sure I'll be gasping once again! Love love your work! (Even though I'm always grumbling!) Hee hee hee!
such gorgeous mix of beautiful embellies jaz! totally uniquely yours =) tc!
I love the "Jaz"-colors and combinations of embellishments and pictures. Jaz, you rock, girl!!!! Kind regards, Odetta
OMG! Just seen this! Thanx fren! Any chance of seeing the album in its full glory???
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