These two layouts touch my heart. they are a gift from a special friend Jona. I had an opportunity to meet up Jona when she came to Singapore few months ago. Thank you Jona for these beautiful layouts ;)

I have not been scrapping lately but managed to rush out my July Class layouts for Laines and Papermarket last nite. I will be bringing the layouts down to the store later. So if you would like to have an early peek, do drop by Laine's Papeterie after 1pm today. okie dokie?many thanks for your continual super sweet support;)
I have been queit here as itz the school holidays. happy that i managed to catch up with friends and sistas and had fun with manicure sessions, tea party, watching movies and tea party again and lots of
im a lil bit moody, last few days.a storm in a teacup.was so sad and angry on the onset but im okie now. i thank you faithful friends who bother to listen and even extended helps in many ways. I thank God for all of you ;)
Some pictures to share. at the park. taken by simon and some by me ;)
Hi Jaz,what a lovely l/o's... and so sweet it was a gift from a friend!Very nice to have a friend like that!!The picures are so nice,they need to be scrapped...;).
Hope you're having a wonderful weekend.
Lots of love,Jolanda
Thanks so much for rushing out the class projects - always appreciate how you put your heart into designing
Your photos are AMAZING!! That kite can support youd S? :) awesome!!!!!!!!!
Such fun at the park! Do hope the water in your teacup is calm now and you can take a sip out of it! Will pop by Laines to see the class projects!!!
CUte pics and what sweet lo's! That was very sweet. Hope you are doing well Jaz ((hugs))
beautiful layout of you :) what a wonderful gift. the month is almost over, back to school soon, i'm gonna miss my kids and sleeping in. :D
super love the photos of you and your boy =) Truly precious moments!
hope your little storm has died-ed... and all's well again.
can't wait to see what u've whipped up with paper ! The kidos are adorable !
thats a great and sweet gift from your friend.
Lovely pictures...that means happy scrapping!!!!
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