comes with many happy things...
Today is my daughter's birthday. yes, 3rd birthday in a and the kids did well for their exam.hubby and i are pretty pleased so we are going out for a celebration teehee ;)
we will be going out shortly. but can't help it but to share these..thank you for looking ;)
Laine's Papeterie : Jaz's December Class ProjectPRIMA Canvas Bag Album"Fly with me"Please call 63336831 to register. Thank you very much.
Papermarket : Jaz's December Class Project
Maya Road Chipboard Album
"Vintage dreams.."
Please call 63339007 to register. Thank you very much.

Laine's Papeterie AssingmentAltered 2011 Calender

Some Happy Tags for my girlfrenz ;)
a lil notebook for a very sweet fren ;)

I will be sharing more on the classes soon, at the moment i gotta run!!!
but I will be back soon ttfn !!!
Thank you for visiting ;)